News & Events Page 3
Response to FRC consultation on Ethical and Auditing Standards 2019
27 September 2019, The 100 Group Financial Reporting Committee submitted a response to the FRC’s consultation on updates to the Ethical and Auditing Standards 2019. There were two key areas to note: The list of permissible services need to be clear and concise Any changes should not unnecessarily further diminish competition in the audit market
TPR Consultation response on the Future of Trusteeship and Governance
20 September 2019, The Pensions Committee have responded to the TPR consultation on on the Future of Trusteeship and Governance. The Committee supports TPR’s overall objective of improving the governance of pension schemes, however, we are not in full agreement with some of the proposals contained in the consultation paper
Letter to IASB on IFRS 16 tentative agenda decision
19 August 2019, The FR committee has submitted a letter to the IASB’s Interpretations Committee(IFRIC) raising concerns over their tentative agenda decision not to amend IFRS 16 for an interpretations query raised.Letter to IASB on IFRS 16 tentative agenda decision
Letter to HMT on European single electronic format
26 June 2019, The FR Committee has written to HMT suggesting proposals for how the UK should consider adopting digital reporting post Brexit.
Response to Brydon Review Call for Views
7 June 2019, The 100 Group Main committee submitted its response to Sir Donald Brydon’s call for views on the quality and effectiveness of audit.
Response to FRC DP on Business Reporting of Intangibles
30 April 2019, 100 Group FR Committee responded to the FRC’s discussion paper on Business Reporting of Intangibles: Realistic Proposals