News & Events Page 2
2019 Annual Review
5 December 2019, the 2019 Annual Review was approved at the 2019 AGM on 5 December 2019
2019 AGM Results
5 December 2019, Results of 2019 AGM The 100 Group 2019 AGM took place on 5 December 2019 at 18:00 at 20 Grosvenor Street, Mayfair, London, W1K 4QJ.
OECD Pillar two response
2 December 2019, OECD Public Consultation Document: Global Anti-Base Erosion Proposal Pillar Two The 100 Group Tax Committee submitted a response to the OECD public consultation on Global Anti-Base Erosion Proposal Pillar Two.
Letter to DPOC on IFRS 16 IFRIC Deicsion
29 November 2019, The FR Committee has written a letter to the DPOC raising significant concerns with the approval of the IFRIC’s tentative agenda decision not to amend IFRS 16 following a query raised to the interpretations committee concerning lease terms.
2019 Total Tax Contribution
27 November 2019, UK’s biggest listed firms generate £85bn in tax despite slowing economy ● 100 Group firms generate nearly 12% of total UK Government tax receipts in 2018/19 ● All the taxes paid by companies equivalent to more than 40% of their commercial profits ● Capital investment increases to £26.8bn – up nearly 10%…
OECD Pillar One Response
11 November 2019, OECD Public Consultation Document: Secretariat Proposal for a “unified Approach’ under Pillar One The 100 Group Tax Committee submitted a response to the OECD public consultation on Secretariat Proposal for a “unified Approach” under Pillar One.
100 Group Brexit Statement
100 Group Brexit Statement, 17 October 2019 At a time of rapid change for UK business, we welcome today’s announcement that progress has been made in agreeing with a Brexit deal with the EU, offering the potential opportunity to provide much-needed certainty and confidence in the UK economy for the UK business. The 100 Group…