HMRC consultation: Introduction of secondary adjustments into the UK’s domestic transfer pricing legislation
HMRC consultation on Introduction of secondary adjustments into the UK’s domestic transfer pricing legislation
HMRC consultation on Introduction of secondary adjustments into the UK’s domestic transfer pricing legislation
Response to TPR Discussion Paper on 21st Century Trusteeship and Governance
IASB Developing accounting policies by reference to the conceptual framework
HMT consultation on Reforms to substantial shareholdings exemption
HMRC consultation response Reforms to Corporation Tax loss relief
HMRC consultation on Corporate offence for tax evasion
Response to DWP consultation on British Steel Pension Scheme
100 Group Tax Committee Position Statement May 2016
BIS Implementing the EU’s Non Financial Reporting Directive
European Commission non-binding guidelines to Non Financial Reporting
Mandatory Gender Pay Gap Reporting
IASB Exposure Draft Application of Materiality