Consultation Responses
Spearheading Excellence In Reporting And GovernanceConsultation Responses
Tax Journal article – Pillar II
The 100 Group express caution around the forecast incremental revenue from the OECD’s BEPS global minimum tax initiatives, which seem at odds with our member expectations, a majority of whom expect to pay ‘nil or negligible’ incremental tax.
Response to DWP’s call for evidence on Looking to the Future
While we support the DWP’s proposal to develop a long-term vision for workplace pension saving in the UK, we have material reservations and concerns about the proposals contained in this call for evidence on Looking to the future: greater member security and rebalancing risk.
2023 Total Tax Contribution Survey
The 19th annual TTC survey shows that the FTSE100 continue to generate 10% of total government receipts with a total tax contribution of £90 billion (taxed paid and collected by the FTSE 100).
CMIT open letter
The 100 Group co-signed CMIT’s open letter in response to the 2024 Autumn statement reflecting on the role of business to drive economic growth and to create meaningful and fulfilling jobs for everyone, across the UK, thereby securing the financial returns that ensure dignified and financially secure retirements for all.
CMIT letter to the Chancellor
The 100 Group co-signed the CMIT letter to the Chancellor highlighting the critical pivot point at which we find ourselves in the agenda to drive growth and returns to the UK economy, and the unprecedented breadth and depth of consensus around the challenges and support for significant change.
HMRC R&D merged scheme
Research and Development (R&D) tax relief –consultation on a single merged scheme.
HMT consultation on LTA abolition
Response to HMRC’s consultation on the proposed policy and draft legislation relating to the abolition of the Lifetime Allowance (“Consultation”)
Response to HMRC’s consultation on the abolition of the Lifetime Allowance
The 100 group set out our concerns regarding the proposals contained in the consultation on abolishing the pensions Lifetime Allowance published on 18 July 2023 and newsletter 152 issued on 20 July 2023.
Mansion House response
The 100 group support the intention behind the proposals, backing the Government’s drive to deliver economic growth and we welcome steps to allow well-run DB Schemes to invest in productive assets including the sustainable growth of the sponsoring businesses.