HMRC consultation: Lease Accounting Changes, a Tax Response
HMRC consultation on Lease Accounting Changes: Tax Response
Tackling the hidden economy: Conditionality
HMRC response Tackling the hidden economy: Conditionality
HMRC consultation: Strengthening Tax Avoidance Sanctions and Deterrents
HMRC consultation on Strengthening Tax Avoidance Sanctions and Deterrents
HMRC consultation: Introduction of secondary adjustments into the UK’s domestic transfer pricing legislation
HMRC consultation on Introduction of secondary adjustments into the UK’s domestic transfer pricing legislation
HMT consultation: Reforms to substantial shareholdings exemption
HMT consultation on Reforms to substantial shareholdings exemption
HMRC consultation: Reforms to Corporation Tax loss relief
HMRC consultation response Reforms to Corporation Tax loss relief
HMRC consultation: corporate offence for tax evasion
HMRC consultation on Corporate offence for tax evasion
The 100 Group Taxation Committee Position Statements: May 2016
100 Group Tax Committee Position Statement May 2016
HMT’s consultation: Tax deductibility of corporate interest expense
HMT consultation on Tax deductibility of corporate interest expense